10.10.2022, 13:50
Zitat:One Killed in Iraq's Erbil After Vehicle Explodes
Oct. 7, 2022, at 7:46 a.m.
A Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) party official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, identified the driver who was killed as 41-year-old Hawkar Abdullah Rasoul and the two women injured as Rasoul's wife and sister.
Rasoul was a colonel in the PUK counter-terrorism service, the official said.
The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which controls the Kurdish government in the capital Erbil, and the PUK, which dominates areas along the Iranian border and is headquartered in Sulaimaniya, are the two main parties ruling the Kurdish region.
Rasoul soll regionaler Geheimdienstchef der PUK gewesen sein.
Zitat:Iran to consider ‘other options’ if opposition groups remain on borders: Official
“The Iranian government has investigated and found that a number of the Iranian [Kurdish] opposition parties have interfered in the protests and they accuse them [parties] of inciting chaos, therefore Iran has stressed that the parties must evacuate their headquarters,” Nazim Dabbagh, the representative of the KRG office in Tehran, told Rudaw’s Sirwan Abbas on Sunday, adding that Iran “will consider other options” if the Kurdish armed groups do not comply with Iran’s demands.
Die in den vergangen Tagen gewählte "Option" bestand aus Raketen- und Drohnenangriffen. Diese kontinuierlich weiterzuführen gegen alles was sich innerhalb einer definierten Sicherheitszone entlang der Grenze bewegt, wäre eigentlich am sinnvollsten, anstatt Szenarien in den Raum zu stellen, die sich nicht als effektiver erweisen dürften. Eine engere Koordination mit der Türkei wäre ebenfalls sinnvoll. Diese sind mit Truppen im Irak, exponieren sich damit aber.