15.09.2022, 08:29
Zum raschen Ende der Littoral Combat Ships - auch wenn ein Teil der Schiffe möglicherweise an Drittstaaten verkauft werden könnte, so sind die kurzen Dienstzeiten natürlich keineswegs zufriedenstellend (von dem ausgegebenen Geld mal zu schweigen):
Zitat:Navy Decommissions Littoral Combat Ship USS Coronado After 8 Years With the Fleethttps://news.usni.org/2022/09/14/navy-de...-the-fleet
The Navy decommissioned USS Coronado (LCS-4) Wednesday, ending the ship’s time in the fleet after less than a decade. Coronado is the third Littoral Combat Ship the Navy has decommissioned, with the sea service aiming to deactivate another nine as part of the Fiscal Year 2023 budget. USS Independence (LCS-2), the first of its class, was decommissioned in July 2021 after 11 years. Coronado served eight years. [...]
Both classes of Littoral Combat Ships suffered with problems since they entered the fleet, resulting in the early decommissionings. Congress has put limits on how many Littoral Combat Ships can be decommissioned in the yet-to-be-passed National Defense Authorization Act. USS Freedom (LCS-1), the first of its class, was decommissioned in October 2021 after 13 years in the fleet.