07.05.2022, 19:36
Zitat:Germany stands up first homeland defence regimenthttps://www.janes.com/defence-news/defen...e-regiment
Germany stood up its first Heimatschutzregiment (homeland defence regiment) on 30 April, the Steitkräftebasis, the Bundeswehr‘s support command, announced the same day. The Bundeswehr said on its website that Landesregiment Bayern (Bavarian state regiment) was renamed Heimatschutzregiment 1 and its seven companies were placed under the latter‘s command, along with a headquarters and logistics company, with special infantry, reconnaissance, and engineering capabilities.
With 700 reservists, the regiment is the first of five of its type, and represents a new organisation of the country‘s territorial reserve, according to the Bundeswehr. German Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht said at the regiment‘s stand-up ceremony, ”National territorial defence and homeland defence are the key elements of alliance defence. [...]. With the homeland defence regiments and their companies, we are strengthening our country‘s resilience against crises and disasters,” she said.