14.04.2022, 09:05
Zitat:French Navy releases video about the future aircraft carrier PA-Nghttps://www.navyrecognition.com/index.ph...pa-ng.html
According to a tweet published by the French Navy on April 13, 2022, the Navy has released the first video about the future French aircraft carrier (PA-NG), "the new generation aircraft carrier". [...] The French Navy is actively planning for a future aircraft carrier and new flagship. It is known in French as Porte-avions de nouvelle génération (PA-Ng) for "new generation aircraft carrier".
Construction of the PA-Ng is expected to begin around 2025 and it will enter service in 2038; the year the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is due to be retired. The ship will be nuclear-powered and feature the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) catapult system. [...]