Schwere Ausschreitungen in Peru mit vermutlich einem halben Dutzend Toten. Hintergrund sind v. a. steigende Treibstoffpreise, auch eine Fernwirkung des Ukraine-Krieges...
Zitat:Peru protests show the wide impact of Putin's war

(CNN) - An ongoing wave of violent protests in Peru shows how the Russian invasion of Ukraine is affecting markets around the world, sparking unrest and deepening political divides.

Rising fuel costs originally triggered the protests, which started last week, but quickly intensified into large anti-government demonstrations with marches and road blockades. By Wednesday, at least six people had been reported dead over days of protests, according to Peruvian authorities, as officials called for calm and struggled to contain the situation. At least nine major roads in the country remained blocked by protesters. [...]

The Russian invasion of Ukraine - and global leaders' consequential decision to isolate Russia from the world's oil markets - sent the price of oil soaring. And for Peru, the impact has been particularly severe. Compared to other countries in the region, such as Argentina or Venezuela, Peru imports most of its oil.


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