02.12.2021, 12:20
Zitat:OCCAR Progressing Towards Charles De Gaulle Carrier’s SAAM-FR Updatehttps://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/202...fr-update/
FSAF-PAAMS program direction managed with its stakeholders the hardware validation of the redesigned radar cabinet of SAAM-FR system that ensure air defense to the French Navy's Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier, the Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR) said on November 30. [...] This In-Service Support activity benefits of the synergies pursued by OCCAR/FSAF-PAAMS between the Arabel radar of SAAM-FR and the Arabel radars of FR-IT SAMP/T ground based air defense system. [...]
The French Navy variant of the SAAM system, the SAAM-FR, has been installed on board the Charles de Gaulle in 1999. SAAM-FR is based on the Aster 15N missile (N for Navalised).