09.10.2021, 16:02
Drohnenwerfer für zielsuchende Drohnenmunition:
Exakt dies (auf GTK Boxer) benötigen wir für unsere Brigade-Artillerie und noch an vielen anderen Stellen.
Zitat:Israeli firm to arm wheeled armored vehicles with loitering strike munitions
Israel-headquartered UVision developed HERO Multi-Canister Launcher (MCL), adapted for launching all types of HERO Loitering Munition Systems from a single platform.
The new launch system will deploy loitering munitions, sometimes referred to as suicide drones, against various ground targets.
As noted by the company, UVision Air Ltd. is for the first time introducing a launch capability for different HERO systems, from a single launcher during this year’s AUSA Annual Meeting in Washington DC.
“Giving field forces operational flexibility, the innovative capability enables them to choose and launch the most suitable system, depending on the nature of the mission and target – from the Hero-30 for smaller ‘surgical’ attacks, through the Hero-120 for medium-sized and armored targets, up to the Hero-400 for long-range and fortified targets,” the company said in a news release.
Exakt dies (auf GTK Boxer) benötigen wir für unsere Brigade-Artillerie und noch an vielen anderen Stellen.