02.07.2021, 09:25
Neue türkische Drohnen:
Könnte explizit auch als Luftüberlegenheits-Drohne eingesetzt werden.
Und hier eine nette Kombination bemannter und unbemannter Boden- und Luftsysteme für die Aufklärung:
Zitat:The Bayraktar Akıncı is set to introduce a number of novel capabilities to the field of unmanned aerial warfare when it enters service with the Turkish Air Force later this year. These include several features not seen on any other type of UAV in the world before, most notably the ability to launch 250+km-ranged high-precision cruise missiles and beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles (BVRAAMs) at targets as far as 100 kilometres away. These capabilities in practice turn the Akıncı into the first production multi-role unmanned combat aircraft in the world, and set the stage for increasingly effective replication of legacy aerial assets by unmanned counterparts.
Könnte explizit auch als Luftüberlegenheits-Drohne eingesetzt werden.
Und hier eine nette Kombination bemannter und unbemannter Boden- und Luftsysteme für die Aufklärung:
Zitat:The consortium behind iMUGS, a 32,6 MEUR project with the aim of developing the European standard unmanned ground system (UGS), demonstrated the results of the first phase of the project – deploying unmanned systems to the battlefield and teaming them with manned units and vehicles. The demonstration was spearheaded by the coordinator of the consortium, Europe’s leading developer of robotics and autonomous systems Milrem Robotics.
Altogether two scenarios were played out in cooperation with the Estonian Defence Forces.
In the first scenario, the THeMIS integrated with Acecore’s tethered drone was operated Beyond the Line of Sight (BLOS) by the soldiers and used to detect and target an enemy position. After determining the target indirect fire was ordered and after-action review performed using the drone footage.