17.12.2020, 00:33
Am 15.12.2020 wurde mit dem Verteidigungsbudget auch die schwedische Militärplanung für die kommende Dekade veröffentlicht -hier-. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Instabilität der Region werden die Streitkräfte in vielen Bereichen restrukturiert und verstärkt.
Zitat:Some of the changes in short
Personnel supply. The war organization is to grow from the current 60 000 to 90 000 staff by 2030. The number of conscripts will increase to 8 000 per year during the Defence Resolution period.
New regiments. In the long term, new regiments and a new air wing will create conditions to further reinforce our defence capability.
Army. Two mechanized brigades will be organized during 2021-2025. The organization of a third mechanized brigade and a reduced motorized brigade in the Stockholm area is also to be initiated. The units in Gotland are reinforced. During this time, the organization of a division staff, a division command battalion as well as two division artillery battalions will also commence.
Navy. The number of submarines will be increased from four to five. The corvettes are updated and preparations are made for procurement of two new surface warships. Another amphibious battalion is established in Gothenburg.
Air Force. Aircraft JAS 39 Gripen C/D is still the core of the combat air system and will, together with JAS 39 E, constitute an important part of the war organization also after 2030. More air-to-air missiles will be procured, and the electronic warfare capability will be reinforced. Long-range strike capability will be procured ahead of the decision period 2026-2030.
Home Guard. The Home Guard will be reinforced with new materiel, as for example vehicles, sensors and night-vision equipment.
Cyber defence. Sweden’s cyber defence capability is reinforced, not least by enhanced cooperation with total defence actors.