24.11.2020, 19:35
(21.11.2020, 15:27)Quintus Fabius schrieb: 26er:
Man müsste eigentlich recht leicht solche Anti-Schiffs-Raketen auch auf HIMARS stationieren können, oder?! Damit hätte man dann ein mehr als flexibles System von welchem aus man Boden-Boden Raketen, Boden-Luft-Raketen und Boden-See-Raketen aus einer Hand abfeuern könnte.
@Quintus Fabius:
hier ist noch ein aktueller Artikel zum Thema HIMARS:
"....HIMARS are seen as one of the pivotal key launchers for the current and future United States’ strategy and tactics for an Anti-Ship land-based weapon system that can counter peer nations’ shipping and breach Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) in the Pacific.....
With future land-based Anti-Ship Precision Guided Weapons in development and available now, such as the Naval Strike Missile, the U.S. Army’s tracked MLRS, 6×6 HIMARS, and 8×8 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), and the U.S. Marines’ 8×8 Logistic Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) and HIMARS, when modified and outfitted as Anti-Shipping rocket or missile launchers, are poised to become the “Go to” system for LBASM and LRPFs to prevent enemy ships and amphibious assaults on allied-protected islands and shores...."