24.05.2020, 14:30
Zwar handelt es sich nicht um U-Boote, im Kontext passt dieser Artikel aber vielleicht ganz gut hierher...
Zitat:Russian Navy to Bolster Baltic Fleet With 6 New Warshipshttps://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/05/1...ips-a70298
The Russian Navy has ordered a batch of six cutting-edge warships for its Baltic Fleet, Navy commander-in-chief Nikolai Yevmenov said Monday. The move comes amid ongoing tensions between Russia and NATO member states in the Baltics. [...]
All six of the Karakurt-class corvettes from Project 22800 will be armed with Kalibr cruise missiles, Yevmenov said in a telegram to sailors marking Baltic Fleet Day that was published on the Defense Ministry’s website. Four of the vessels will also be equipped with Pantsir-M anti-aircraft systems. "The Odintsovo [corvette] will become the first one, the Pantsir system will undergo testing on this ship," Yevmenov said.