(Asien) Saudi Arabiens Luftwaffe
Hier ein noch ausführlicherer Artikel mit weiteren Details, bei vielen Posten handelt es sich aber um reine Absichtserklärungen, ein Geschäftsabschluss liegt noch nicht vor, wie Helios schon richtig bemerkt hat.

Gelistet werden Posten, die Angeboten, aber noch nicht fest bestellt wurden:

Defense News

Zitat: $13.5 billion for seven THAAD batteries, with an estimated delivery time of 2023-2026.
$4.46 billion for 104,000 air-to-ground munitions, divided amongst five types (GBU 31v3, GBU-10, GBU-12, GBU-31v1, GBU-38).
$6.65 billion for enhancements to Saudis’ Patriot anti-missile system, with a scope of work from 2018-2027.
$2 billion for “light close air support” aircraft, with the aircraft and delivery date still unknown. It is possible that the winner of this contract could be related to the U.S. Air Force’s OA-X close-air support study.
$2 billion for four new aircraft, of a to-be-determined variety, for “TASS & Strategic ISC.” TASS stands for “tactical airborne surveillance system,” similar in concept to the U.S. Air Force JSTARS system. It's possible the replacement could be the same as the JSTARS replacement currently being considered by the Pentagon. Those would be delivered in 2024.
$5.8 billion for three KC-130J and 20 C-130J new aircraft, along with sustainment through 2026. Those planes would start delivery in 2022.
$6.25 billion for an eight-year sustainment deal for Saudi Arabia's fleet of F-15 fighters, with another $20 million for an F-15 C/D recapitalization program study.
$2 billion for an unknown number of MK-VI Patrol Boats, with an unknown delivery date.
$6 billion for four Lockheed Martin-built frigates, based on the company’s littoral combat ship design. That order falls under the Saudi Naval Expansion Program II (SNEP II) heading, with planned delivery in the 2025-2028 timeframe.
$2.35 billion to modify 400 existing Bradley fighting vehicles, along with another $1.35 for 213 new vehicles.
$1.5 billion for 180 Howitzers, with an estimated delivery time of 2019-2022.
$18 billion for C4I System and integration, with no further details given on what that means, nor with a delivery date offered.

Außerdem sollen noch satellitengestützte Kommunikations- und Frühwarsysteme und anderes dazugehören.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Saudi Arabiens Luftwaffe - von Erich - 12.02.2007, 23:32
RE: Saudi Arabiens Luftwaffe - von voyageur - 03.08.2024, 14:29
[Kein Betreff] - von fgraf - 09.01.2008, 17:23
[Kein Betreff] - von Erich - 02.11.2008, 21:11
RE: Saudi Arabien - Streitkräfte allgemein - von Vanitas - 08.06.2017, 23:38

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