21.02.2017, 21:05
Die A400 Berichte erinnern mich immer wieder an diesen alten Test von 2008...
Auszug aus s.u.
The TP400-D6 ran for the first time on the FTB in June 2008, and the design appeared from the outset to be sound. Only the vibration levels caused concern, especially in the cabin floor, testing the crew to the limit. The fuselage was carefully inspected for any signs of fatigue cracking.
Auszug aus s.u.
The TP400-D6 ran for the first time on the FTB in June 2008, and the design appeared from the outset to be sound. Only the vibration levels caused concern, especially in the cabin floor, testing the crew to the limit. The fuselage was carefully inspected for any signs of fatigue cracking.