25.11.2015, 08:21
Mal was ganz anderes: Ich pack es mal hier rein weil ich der Überzeugung bin, dass viele der Verbrechen des IS sich aus Drogenmissbrauch heraus ergeben, ebenso wie die "Furchtlosigkeit" bzw Kampfkraft vieler IS Einheiten:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/11/19/the-tiny-pill-fueling-syrias-war-and-turning-fighters-into-super-human-soldiers/">https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wor ... -soldiers/</a><!-- m -->
Hochkonzentrierte Amphetamine haben auch schon früher eine wesentliche Rolle bei Kriegsverbrechen gespielt.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/11/19/the-tiny-pill-fueling-syrias-war-and-turning-fighters-into-super-human-soldiers/">https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wor ... -soldiers/</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:A powerful amphetamine tablet based on the original synthetic drug known as "fenethylline," Captagon quickly produces a euphoric intensity in users, allowing Syria's fighters to stay up for days, killing with a numb, reckless abandon.
[Is it too late to solve the mess in the Middle East?]
"You can't sleep or even close your eyes, forget about it," said a Lebanese user, one of three who appeared on camera without their names for a BBC Arabic documentary that aired in September. "And whatever you take to stop it, nothing can stop it."
"I felt like I own the world high," another user said. "Like I have power nobody has. A really nice feeling."
"There was no fear anymore after I took Captagon," a third man added.
Hochkonzentrierte Amphetamine haben auch schon früher eine wesentliche Rolle bei Kriegsverbrechen gespielt.