11.07.2015, 10:04
Quintus Fabius schrieb:Die Briten steigen nun auf 40mm Maschinenkanonen um, und haben nun endlich die seit langem angedachte 40mm CTWS bestellt:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.janes.com/article/52685/uk-orders-ctas-40-mm-cannons-for-new-armoured-vehicles">http://www.janes.com/article/52685/uk-o ... d-vehicles</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:The UK Ministry of Defence has placed a GBP150 million (USD236 million) order for CTA International 40 mm Case Telescoped Armament System (CTAS) cannons for its future fleet of tracked armoured fighting vehicles.
The contract, awarded to CTA International (CTAI), includes 515 cannons for the British Army's new Scout SV reconnaissance vehicle and its upgraded Warrior infantry fighting vehicles.
Speaking on 1 July, UK defence secretary Michael Fallon said: "Today I can announce we have signed a GBP150 million contract to fit the Scout with a new Cased Telescope cannon providing it with unrivalled firepower and a new 'airburst ammunition' capability."
The CTAS features a novel telescoped ammunition that means the cannon and its ammunition takes up a significantly reduced internal volume within a vehicle's turret. This in turn allows a larger calibre cannon to be fitted to smaller vehicles, and for more ammunition to be carried.
The order for the cannons is evenly divided between the two vehicles, with 245 cannons destined for the turreted versions of the Scout SV and the Warrior CSP vehicles. Speaking to IHS Jane's , an Ministry of Defence spokesperson stated that the remaining 25 cannons would be used for "ammunition qualification, trials, and training".
CTAI is a joint venture between BAE Systems and Nexter Systems, with the CTAS also set to be installed on the French Army's new suit of armoured vehicles, such as the EBRC Jaguar.
The UK has a total of 589 Scout SVs on order from prime contractor General Dynamics UK, with the vehicle based on the ASCOD 2 design.
Diese Kanone ist übrigens nicht größer als eine übliche 30mm MK, da sie spezielle Teleskopmunition verwendet. Auch die Franzosen interessieren sich für diese Kanone und wollen sie beschaffen.
Auch Deutschland sollte in dieses System einsteigen und den PUMA damit bewaffnen.
Das könnte die erste einheitiche europäische Maschinenkanone werden und damit erhebliche Synergieeffekte in Bezug auf Munition, Logistik, Kosten usw erzeugen.
Und wie sieht es hier mit der Tempierbarkeit aus? Ist das bei der Teleskopmun. auch so ohne weiteres möglich?
Edit: Hat sich erledigt. Habe es dem Text entnommen. Sie ist Airburstfähig!
Zitat:Speaking on 1 July, UK defence secretary Michael Fallon said: "Today I can announce we have signed a GBP150 million contract to fit the Scout with a new Cased Telescope cannon providing it with unrivalled firepower and a new 'airburst ammunition' capability."
Aus dieser Sicht kann ich dir dann nur beipflichten. Dies wäre in der Tat sehr interessant!