Zitat:28 Menschen bei IS-Anschlag in Sanaa getötet
30. Juni 2015 09:57 Uhr

Durch einen Anschlag des "Islamischen Staats" (IS) sind am Montagabend in Jemens Hauptstadt Sanaa 28 Menschen getötet worden. Ziel der Autobombe seien die Häuser mehrerer Huthi-Führer gewesen, sagte ein Huthi-Sprecher. In dem Haus von Faisal und Hamid Dschajasch seien zu dem Zeitpunkt viele Menschen zu einer Trauerfeier für einen Verwandten versammelt gewesen.

Der IS bekannte sich in einer Mitteilung über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter zu dem Anschlag, wie das auf die Beobachtung von Terrororganisationen spezialisierte Unternehmen Site erklärte.
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Zitat:Saudi Warplanes Pound Hospital in Yemen
July 07, 2015 - 16:45

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Saudi fighter jets once again bombarded a hospital in Yemen, this time in northwestern province of Hajjah, media reports said on Tuesday.
According to a civil coalition monitoring Saudi Arabia's crimes, more than 3000 people, including 722 children and 532 women, have been killed during 95 days of Saudi-led military strikes on the Arab country.
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Zitat:CBS/APJuly 6, 2015, 11:30 AM
"Sea of blood": Airstrike hits Yemen market, killing dozens of civilians

SANAA, Yemen -- A massive airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition targeting rebels hit a local marketplace in Yemen, killing over 45 civilians on Monday, security officials and eyewitnesses said.

More than 50 civilians were also wounded in the strike in Fayoush, a suburb just north of the southern port city of Aden, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information otherwise.
The conflict has left 20 million Yemenis without access to safe drinking water and uprooted over one million people from their homes, the United Nations said. Last Wednesday, it declared its highest-level humanitarian emergency in the country, where over 80 percent of the population needs assistance.
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