30.03.2015, 23:21
hunter1 schrieb:ielleicht mischen sich ja die Pakistaner noch stärker ein. Für die arabischen Länder wird es jedenfalls zu einer Bewährungsprobe.
Mir sind entsprechende Militärmanöver bekannt und sowieso stellen Pakistaner schon heute einen nicht unerheblichen Teil der "Saudischen Streitkräfte". Der Staat Pakistan hat für mich jedoch kein richtiges Motiv, im Jemen aktiv zu werden. Die können dabei nichts gewinnen. Jemen ist letztlich ein saudisches Problem.
Über die Motive und Aussichten der Ägypter:
Zitat:...<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://english.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/analysis/2015/03/30/Egypt-eyes-halting-Iran-expansion-through-Yemen-war-analysts.html">http://english.alarabiya.net/en/perspec ... lysts.html</a><!-- m -->
“If the Houthis, who are believed to be backed by Iran, win, it means that Iran will get control over the Red Sea. Egypt and Saudi Arabia will not allow this to happen,” Cairo-based Sociology Professor Saeed Sadek told al Arabiya News.
The main goal behind the action in Yemen seems to be “Arab unity against Iran,” Paul Sullivan, professor of economics at the Washington-based National Defense University, told Al Arabiya News.
“Iran needs to be countered all across the region. Only Arab unity will allow that countering to work.”
On this note, Sadek also mentioned that the financial support granted by the Gulf to the Egyptian government over years of turmoil means that Egypt needs to support its allies militarily when needed.
‘Egypt’s Vietnam’
The intervention in Yemen could be also seen by Egypt as an opportunity to regain its regional power after four years of political turmoil, Sadek added.
“Egypt was bogged down in Yemen and nearly went bankrupt due to that in the 1960s with Nasser's adventures to support those who fought the loyalists to the Zayidi royalty,” Sullivan said.
Some argue that the operation in Yemen will drain Egypt’s military and economic capabilities and that the decision could serve as a distraction from Egypt’s internal problems.
Sadek said that the Egyptian media portrays the war in Yemen to the public as vital to halt a “Persian expansion” in the war-torn country.
Sullivan notes that the Egyptian public’s stance on the war could be significantly influenced if the war in Yemen takes longer and burdens the state with losses.
“It is to be seen how long support from the street will last if this drags on with many losses and heavy costs,” he said.