China -Allg. Sammelthread Streitkräfte
Die PLA stellte zwei neue Heeresflieger-Regimenter auf:

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Zitat: Two new LH (Army Aviation) helicopter regiments spotted
The LH (Army Aviation) was founded in 1998 organic to the ground force and it's 10 operational units have been slowly growing in size ever-since. Throughout much of the 2000s, the PLA high command seems to prefer enlarging the existing operational units from regiments into brigades of 3 battalions each (one transport, one attack and one scout) each then raise new operational units. This growing existing units model seems to come to an end as two new regiments are now spotted.

Perhaps, the 10 existing units are already brigade in size, can't grow any larger.

Anbei, auf koreanischen Seiten habe ich mal gelesen, dass diese Einheiten tatsächlich inzwischen Brigadegröße haben und quantitativ immens stark sind, zudem dass die PLA inzwischen viel mehr Hubschrauber im Bestand hat als sie offiziell bekannt gibt.

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