Boko Haram gerät in Nigeria immer mehr in die Defensive, vor allem durch Milizen:
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Zitat:Success of Nigerian vigilante groups against Boko Haram militants undermined by lack of military co-operation and political interference

Key Points

Vigilantes have been responding to calls from traditional rulers and religious leaders to take up arms against Boko Haram.
Following a series of victories in Adamawa State to halt a new onslaught by the Islamist militants, vigilante groups complain they are being undermined by a lack of army co-operation.
Vigilante groups have the potential to turn the tide against Boko Haram, but mutual distrust between them and the civilian and military authorities are likely to blunt their effectiveness.

War ja klar das die Bevölkerung im Norden Nigerias irgendwann genug von Boko Haram haben und zu den Waffen greifen würde.

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