29.06.2014, 13:15
Halbamtliche Einschätzung von Beteiligten: Es wird keine Einigung im Atomkonflikt geben!
Werrrr hat's vorhergesagt?? 8)
Werrrr hat's vorhergesagt?? 8)
Zitat:...<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13930408000395">http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.as ... 0408000395</a><!-- m -->
"The negotiations are continued but reaching results depends on the G5+1, specially the US," member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Esmayeel Kossari told FNA on Sunday.
He described the excessive demands raised by the West as the main impediment to the attainment of a final agreement between the two sides, and said the westerners don’t even get satisfied with Iran's undertakings under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and pursue excessive demands beyond the treaty.
"Due to these excessive demands, I have gather that the negotiations would yield no results," Kossari underlined.