30.01.2014, 07:21
In der Tat scheint es so, als wenn man das "Bürgerwehr-Problem" so langsam durch Einbindung dieser Gruppen in staatliche Strukturen in den Griff zu kriegen scheint. Zudem gab es offenbar in diesem Zusammenhang einen Erfolg, da die Festnahme eines hochrangigen Anführers des hiesigen Kartells der "Tempelritter" in Michoacan gemeldet wird...
Zitat:Mexico to integrate vigilantes into security forces<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-25924386">http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-25924386</a><!-- m -->
Mexican vigilante groups in western Michoacan state have agreed to join the official security forces after weeks of taking the law into their own hands. The "self-defence" groups have recently taken over a number of towns in their attempt to drive the Knights Templar drug cartel from the area. […]
The vigilantes launched an offensive earlier this month, moving close to the stronghold of the Knights Templar cartel in the town of Apatzingan. Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong said the new units would be "temporary" and "under the control of the authorities to co-perate with the troops". […] On Monday, Mexican officials announced an important development, the arrest of the Knights Templar cartel leader Dionicio Loya Plancarte, known as El Tio (The Uncle).