15.12.2013, 14:57
Zitat:US expanding military base in Bahrain: Report<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://presstv.com/detail/2013/12/15/340073/us-expanding-military-base-in-bahrain/">http://presstv.com/detail/2013/12/15/34 ... n-bahrain/</a><!-- m -->
Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:5AM
The United States is planning to spend 580 million dollars to double the size of its naval military base in the tiny Persian Gulf state of Bahrain.
The US 5th Fleet will increase the capacity of the existing facilities and is expanding to an adjacent 77-acre piece of land along the waterfront, Stars and Stripes reported.
“Although the Department of Defense is facing serious budget constraints, we will continue to prioritize our commitments in the [Persian] Gulf, while making sure that our military capabilities evolve to meet new threats,” he said.
Dieser "Threat" kann nur Iran sein, allerdings frage ich mich, wie die Marinebasis in Bahrain unter ständigen Raketenangriffen ihren Betrieb aufrecht erhalten will. Hinzu kommt, dass die Amis in Bahrain auf einem morschen Ast sitzen.