07.11.2013, 21:37
Hab den Link für dich wieder gefunden:
Die wahren Kosten der Drohnen:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://nation.time.com/2012/02/28/2-the-mq-9s-cost-and-performance/">http://nation.time.com/2012/02/28/2-the ... rformance/</a><!-- m -->
Und nun vergleiche man das mal mit den Kosten für die Textron Scorpion.
etc etc
Hab den Link für dich wieder gefunden:
Die wahren Kosten der Drohnen:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://nation.time.com/2012/02/28/2-the-mq-9s-cost-and-performance/">http://nation.time.com/2012/02/28/2-the ... rformance/</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:The actual cost for a Reaper unit is $120.8 million in 2012 dollars. Given the newly announced reduction in Reaper production rates, the elements that Reaper uses but charged to other programs (summarized in Part 1) and the statement that some additional ground control stations may be bought, the $120.8 million unit cost is an underestimate; however, the data are unavailable to know by how much.
Reaper unit cost is well above that of the aircraft frequently compared to it: the F-16 and the A-10.
Zitat:Reaper is not cheaper to buy than aircraft it is compared to; it is multiples more expensive: from two to six times more costly.[8]
Nor is Reaper cheaper to operate, despite initial appearances. Air Force flying hour cost data shows Reaper to cost only $3,624 per hour to fly in 2011 for what the Air Force terms “operational” flying hour costs.[9] That compares to the much higher hourly cost to fly A-10s or F-16s: $17,780 per hour for the newly modified A-10C and $20,809 for an F-16C. However, because each Reaper flies a large number of hours in the air, the math suppresses the per-hour Reaper number. If the calculation is for total maintenance costs over the course of a year for a Reaper unit, the relationship changes: at a per year cost of $5.1 million, per individual Reaper, and at $20.4 million per CAP, the Reaper shows itself to be well above the cost to maintain and operate over a year for an individual A-10C (at $5.5 million) or an F-16C (at $4.8 million).[10] Annual operating unit cost for a Reaper unit is about four times the annual cost to operate an F-16 or an A-10.
Und nun vergleiche man das mal mit den Kosten für die Textron Scorpion.
Zitat:Reaper’s infrastructure necessitates at least 171 personnel for each CAP: these include 43 mission control personnel, including seven pilots and seven sensor operators, 59 launch, recovery and maintenance personnel (including six more pilots and sensor operators), 66 Processing Exploitation Dissemination personnel for intelligence and its support (including 14 more maintenance personnel) and three “other equipment” personnel
etc etc