04.11.2013, 21:47
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html">http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat: ....
31 October
South Sea Fleet task group (LANZHOU, LIUZHOU, POYANG HU) arrives at Buenos Aires (Argentina) for a scheduled port visit.
“Maneuver 5”: China strongly condemns Japanese action to “disturb and disrupt” exercises in the West Pacific as a “dangerous provocation” … had declared a danger area for live missile-/artillery fire, warning all shipping and aircraft to stay clear … still, Japanese destroyer IZAKUCHI (107) entered this zone on 25 Oct and “persistently” remained there until 28 Oct, while Japanese reconnaissance aircraft also intruded several times. Japan dismisses protest … “normal” patrol and surveillance missions in waters surrounding Japan (southeast of Sakishima Islands, Okinawa prefecture)
01 November
“Maneuver 5”: The first ever three-fleet exercise in open Pacific waters has concluded … “similar exercises will be regularly carried out in the West Pacific in the future”.