Anlässlich des Jahrestags der Erstürmung der amerikanischen Spionagehöhle (aka "US Botschaft") kommt eine neue Charmoffensive aus dem Iran:

Zitat:‘Death to America,’ echoing across Iran

TEHRAN, Nov. 4 (MNA) – Rallies for the anniversary of National Day of Campaign against Domination System has been held in Tehran and all over the country.

Mehr News reported that large multitudes of demonstrators mainly students and general public cried out their hatred to US arrogant policies towards Iran and the world. The crowd carried placards reading their slogans of hatred and anger toward the US.

Along with Tehran rallies, other major cities also held the demonstrations to commemorate the November 4th chanting ‘death to America.’ Mehr News correspondent reported that placards and posters bearing slogans condemning US arrogant policies and pictures of historic capturing of the Den of Espionage (former US embassy) had been displayed in Taleghani St.

The demonstration was launched with recital of verses from the Holy Quran and Iranian national anthem by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army military band music. During the ceremony, demonstrators set alight US and Israeli flags before Den of Espionage building.

Posters carried by the demonstrators read slogans such as ‘Down with US,’ ‘We Would Stand to the End,’ ‘November 4 Was Slap in the Face of the US ’and‘ a Spider's Web Is the Weakest of All Houses.’

The crowd chanted slogans such as ‘Accepting Humiliation Is far From US,’ ‘Down with America,’ ‘Allahu Akbar (God Is the Greater),’ ‘Oh, If Khamenei Orders Us to Jihad, the World Would Not Resist Us!’ ‘[Chanting] Hossein, Hossein Is Our Slogan, Martyrdom Is Our Honor,’ ’Students Are Alert and Hate America, ’Such Multitudes Have Come for [the Sake of] the Leader,’ ‘Our Blood in Our Veins, a Gift for Our Leader,’ and ‘Down with Israel.’

Demonstration continued with ‘November 4th’ chorus by the students;‘The End Of The Devil (Satan)’ by Esfaidiar Gharabaghi, famous singer of the chant ‘O America, Down With Your Trick;’ recital of a poetic peace by Alireza Ghazveh, Islamic Revolutionary poet, and Moharram 1st night panegyric ceremony.
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Die Medien berichten übereinstimmend, dass die Anzahl der Demonstranten größer war, wie noch in den letzten Jahren zuvor.

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