Irakische Behörden sprechen inzwischen von einer Welle von über 50.000 kurdischen Flüchtlingen seit dem jüngsten Ausbruch der Kämpfe zwischen der pro-westlichen Al-Nusrah und der kurdischen PYD entlang der syrisch-türkischen Grenze.

Der Anführer der syrischen Kurden, Saleh Muslim, spricht von "Ethnischen Säuberungen":

Zitat:Syrian Kurds face ‘ethnic cleansing’ by Islamist groups – party leader
Published time: August 28, 2013 20:05
While there is no end in sight to the bloody Syrian conflict, another front in the civil war has erupted within the country – between the Kurdish militia and Islamist rebels in Northern Syria. Al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamist groups operating in the country, including the al-Nusra Front, are trying to capture Kurdish territories and make them part of an Islamist state they want to create in the region.

“The Kurdish people have only one objective – to protect ourselves and our homes,” Saleh Muslim, the head of the Kurdish Democratic Union party, told RT Arabic. “Our people, our villagers suffer vicious assaults. They are chased out of their homes. They become victims of massacres and ethnic cleansing. Everything connected to the Kurds is being destroyed.”
“Our people, our villagers suffer vicious assaults. They are chased out of their homes. They become victims of massacres and ethnic cleansing. Everything connected to the Kurds is being destroyed.”
“Those who attack us and our homes have no respect for democracy or freedom; they have no respect for anything. It’s as if these people were from a different planet,” the Syrian Kurdish leader stated.
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