26.08.2013, 19:21
Zitat:Israeli-Palestinian peace talks meeting to be called off over protest deaths?<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://rt.com/news/palestinians-killed-israeli-clashes-992/">http://rt.com/news/palestinians-killed- ... ashes-992/</a><!-- m -->
Published time: August 26, 2013 11:31
Edited time: August 26, 2013 16:38
Scheduled peace talks will not go ahead with Israel after IDF officers shot dead 3 Palestinians in a border clash, Palestinian officials have said.
"The meeting that was to take place in Jericho...today was cancelled because of the Israeli crime committed in Kalandiya today," an official from the Palestinian Authority told AFP, adding that there would be "repercussions" for the incident.
“During a nighttime incursion of security forces to arrest a suspect in Kalandiya, southeast of Ramallah, they were met with violent and disorderly conduct by hundreds of Palestinians who attacked them,” said an IDF statement.
The statement went on to say that the Israeli officers opened fire with live rounds because they felt “immediate danger to their lives.”