26.07.2013, 15:14
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html">http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html</a><!-- m -->
22 July
US-website claims new (thus far single) Type 032 submarine (other source: Type 043, dubbed QING class) has replaced decommissioned GOLF class (200) as test bed for new missiles (both anti-ship and strategic, incl. JL-2 SLBM), torpedoes (incl. a Shkval variant), and underwater systems … gives boats data as hull number 201; 3,797 ts; 92.6x 10m, diving depth 160m.
24 July
Photos suggest JIANGHU-I class frigate ZHENJIANG (514) converted as target/test ship …not to be sunk but serve for testing missile search heads … main silhouette incl. missile launchers retained, but most of antennae removed … capable of independently navigating.
25 July
For the record (“bean count”): (competent) blogger gives latest PLAN helicopter inventory (89 total) as follows:
8 SA-321J, 9 Z-8, 14 Z-8J, 4 Z-8JH, 2 Z-8S, 1 SA-365N, 4 AS-565MB, 2 Z-9A, 17 Z-9C, 2 Z-9D, 3 KA-27PS, 14 KA-28, 9 KA-31.