22.05.2013, 10:41
Der Ahmadinejad Spezi Mashaei will gegen seinen Ausschluss klagen, seinen politischen Ziehvater in seiner Funktion als amtierenden Präsidenten um Hilfe bitten und er fordert seine Anhänger auf, gegen "die Feinde der islamischen Revolution und Nation" zu demonstrieren. Nu denn... :roll:
Was will der Autor ausdrücken?
Zitat:Mashaei’s campaign office to ask Guardian Council to revise decision<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://presstv.com/detail/2013/05/22/304748/mashaei-to-pursue-presidential-bid/">http://presstv.com/detail/2013/05/22/30 ... ntial-bid/</a><!-- m -->
Wed May 22, 2013 2:16AM GMT
The election campaign office of Esfandiyar Rahim-Mashaei, who was not approved by Iran’s Guardian Council to run in the upcoming presidential election, says it will pursue the matter through legal channels.
In a statement issued late on Tuesday, the campaign office said that it will use “the full legal capacity of the country" to appeal to the Guardian Council to revise and eliminate possible ambiguities in its decision, IRNA reported.
The statement also asked that “President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as the executor of the Constitution, take action to remove probable restrictions in this regard.”
In addition, it called on the supporters of Rahim-Mashaei, who is a top aide of President Ahmadinejad, to organize their activities based on legal methods in order to dishearten the enemies of the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation.
Zitat:Streit um Präsidentschaftskandidat: Ahmadinedschad bietet Wächterrat die Stirn
Ahmadinedschad und Maschai sind die prominentesten Vertreter einer religiös-politischen Strömung in Iran, die den Einfluss des schiitischen Klerus zurückdrängen will. Diese Haltung ist eine Provokation für das religiöse Establishment um Chamenei.
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