19.05.2013, 09:42
Zitat:Evidence Of Jabhat al-Nusra With Croatian Weapons<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://brown-moses.blogspot.ae/2013/03/evidence-of-jabhat-al-nusra-with.html">http://brown-moses.blogspot.ae/2013/03/ ... -with.html</a><!-- m -->
In recent weeks I've been tracking the spread of arms purchased from Croatia by Saudi Arabia which were then sent to what were meant to be moderate Free Syrian Army groups via Jordan. Already there's been examples of groups such as Ahrar al-Sham and other militant Islamist groups using these weapons, and there's now evidence that Jabhat al-Nusra has been using these weapons.
This first image of a M79 Osa titled "One of JAN lions fighting to liberate Alsahweh brigade", taken from this Jabhat al-Nusra statement, comes from a joint operation with other opposition groups to capture a military base outside of Al Sahweh, Daraa that took place in the middle of February, and involved a number of groups using a large number of weapons provided by Saudi Arabia from Croatia in the battle.
Manche Quellen sprechen von einer Waffenlieferung im Umfang von über 70 Transportflugzeugen alleine aus Kroatien, via Türkei und Jordanien. Finanziert von Saudi Arabien und organisiert von der NATO.