22.04.2013, 14:20
Zitat:Syrian rebels step up rocket attacks, two hit Hermel
April 22, 2013 01:37 AM By Rakan al-Fakih The Daily Star
HERMEL, Lebanon: Syrian rebels lobbed more rockets into Lebanese towns near the border Sunday, causing damage but no casualties, security sources said, with one attack landing at an orphanage home to 450 children.
The rocket attacks on the northeastern town of Hermel and the village of Al-Qasr come after threats by the rebel Free Syrian Army and the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front, which have warned they would move the battle to Lebanon if Hezbollah continued to fight alongside Syrian soldiers.
Five rockets landed in Al-Qasr and Hawsh Sayyed Ali and two rockets slammed into the heart of Hermel Sunday, causing damage to buildings and parked cars but no casualties, a security source in Hermel said.
Hezbollah, which denies involvement in the fighting in Syria, has said it is helping Lebanese Shiites living in a cluster of Syrian border towns and villages to defend themselves against rebel assaults.
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