Iranisches Atomprogramm
Zitat:Option of withdrawing from the NPT on the table

TEHRAN, Apr 8(MNA) – Alaeddin Boroujerdi said in case of non-adherent of Western powers to subjects such as nuclear arms reduction and recognition of Iran’s right to nuclear energy, withdrawal from the NPT will be among the options on the table for Majlis.

“all options are on the table in Majlis [parliament].”

He said: “it is not acceptable for Iran to respect the NPT and IAEA regulations, but the US and EU to ignore NPT protocols including Article 6 (nuclear arms reduction) and Article 4 (right to nuclear energy), therefore, there is no reason for Iran to be a NPT member, and Majlis could review that.”

Boroujerdi continued: “the red line is the nuclear bomb, which we are against it, and in addition to NPT commitment we are the only country with great religious fatwa (decree) about it [against nuclear weapons]. So the seriousness of the Islamic Republic of Iran in opposing to nuclear bomb is important aspect of confidence building.”
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Boroujerdi for president!!! Big Grin

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