22.02.2013, 16:37
Zitat:New states to join TAKM
[ 20 February 2013 16:29 ]
Kazakhstan is expected to join the organization in the near future, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Georgia are also interested in TAKM
Baku. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. The Organization of the Eurasian Law Enforcement Agencies with Military Status (TAKM) established by Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia in Baku on January 25 is expected to enlarge its geography through new countries in the near future. According to the information obtained by APA, the constituent documents signed by the TAKM members underline that the organization is open for all states interested in joining the organization.
Following the constituent meeting, the Gendarmerie General Command of Turkey underlined that TAKM has been established to enhance the cooperation between law-enforcement organizations with military status located in Eurasian region and represented in the organization and doesn’t stand against any state or organization.
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