10.02.2013, 14:50
Der Syrische Geheimdienst hat offenbar "Captain" Riad al-Ahmed in der Türkei gefasst und nach Syrien entführt. Riad al-Ahmed gilt als Geheimdienstchef der FSA:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iranreview.org/content/Documents/Black-Box-of-Free-Syrian-Army-Is-Back-in-Damascus.htm">http://www.iranreview.org/content/Docum ... mascus.htm</a><!-- m -->
Laut dieser Quelle hat al-Ahmed möglicherweise auch schon gesungen:
Zitat:Black Box of Free Syrian Army Is Back in Damascus
The secret service of the Syrian government has managed to once more checkmate the Turkey’s officials in a successful operation during which a fugitive captain of the Syrian army, who had defected to the Free Syrian Army, has been captured. Once in Turkey, the defective captain was in charge of the intelligence operations of the Free Syrian Army in that country. Now he is back in Syria along with a treasure of information.
This development took place a few days ago and many websites in Turkey have reported the disappearance of the fugitive Captain Riad al-Ahmad. The Syrian media also published reports about successful operations by the country’s secret services which led to the capture of the fugitive army officer.
Riad al-Ahmad is considered the treasure trove of the secrets of the Free Syrian Army. He was the first Syrian army officer to desert the army and escape to Turkey
Captain Riad al-Ahmad was present in all intelligence and operational sessions held by the militants of the Free Syrian Army and also most joint sessions which were attended by Turkish, US, French, Israeli, and Qatari intelligence officers. As a result, he was well versed about the tiniest details of the Free Syrian Army’s field operations.
To hunt down this precious prey, the Syrian secret service activated its branch in Turkey.
Some reports say after the disappearance of Captain Riad al-Ahmad, the Turkish government has taken strict security measures in all areas of its territory where commanders of the Free Syrian Army are present.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iranreview.org/content/Documents/Black-Box-of-Free-Syrian-Army-Is-Back-in-Damascus.htm">http://www.iranreview.org/content/Docum ... mascus.htm</a><!-- m -->
Laut dieser Quelle hat al-Ahmed möglicherweise auch schon gesungen:
Zitat:...just two days after the apprehension of the fugitive captain, the Syrian army has dealt severe blows to the Free Syrian Army and militants fighting for al-Nusra Front. The operations which started last Wednesday have left hundreds of members of the Free Syrian Army dead. Perhaps the most important blow by the Syrian army was dealt to command room of the militants in the city of Idlib in which the commander of Liwa al-Sham Brigade was killed along with 12 other commanders of the Free Syrian Army.