(Europa) Die russische Marine
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html">http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html</a><!-- m -->
27 November

Admiral Chirkov reaffirms the first two MISTRAL class helicopters will both be stationed with the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok … berthing space currently under construction.

Construction of (first) new aircraft carrier could start in 2018, although Russian navy rejected first draft concept as “completely obsolete”, reflecting technologies of the 1980s (based on former - unfinished - ULYANOVSK)

The Caspian Sea Flotilla will get three Project 11770 SERNA class amphibious craft over the next two years.

Training ship PEREKOP to be overhauled in Bulgaria … in April/May 2013 … sister ship SMOLNIY already there … part of Bulgarian repayment of debts to former USSR … SMOLNIY reportedly (rmks: unconfirmed) to be stationed in Toulon (France) to provide accommodation for first crews of new MISTRAL class helicopter carriers.

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