Pan-Arabisch...? pff.

Eine neue WELTordnung wird gefordert. Ganz nebenbei stützt sich Ahmadinejad dabei auf einen Forderungskatalog, der von ~120 Staaten im Konsens mitgetragen wird. Unter iranischem Vorsitz in Teheran beschlossen übrigens.

Zitat:Iran, NAM, and the world order
By AIC News - Posted on September 6th, 2012
By Shahir ShahidSaless

Given the NAM’s political and economic orientation and the movement’s magnitude, the NAM’s summit could not be ignored by the US - especially this time since the gathering was hosted by Iran. But why were the US and Israel trying so hard to discourage members of the NAM from attending the event?

The 51 year-old Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit of 118 nations, almost two thirds of the UN members, concluded in Tehran on August 31st while Iran assumed the rotational presidency of the Movement for the next three years.
One of the issues raised during the summit regarded the necessity of reform in structure of the UN Security Council.
The role of the UN Security Council, to approve or disapprove United Nations actions, was created by the victors of World War II: the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, and France, ... This system is inarguably undemocratic because the members of the international society are not treated as “political equals,” thus violating the fundamental principle of democracy. For instance, while the member states of the NAM who collectively contain 55 percent of the world’s population do not have any permanent representative in the Security Council, the Western countries containing 10 percent of the world population possess three seats out of five.
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Alles klar mit Deinem "Nasser", Schneemann? :wink:

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