18.09.2012, 22:14
Erich schrieb:http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/af...55964.html
Taliban töten US-Soldaten in Camp von Prinz Harry
Bei einer großangelegten Attacke auf ein Armee-Lager in Afghanistan sind zwei US-Marines gestorben. Auch der britische Thronfolger Prinz Harry befand sich in dem Camp, er blieb unverletzt. Die Taliban bekannten sich - und nannten den Angriff eine "Vergeltung für das Schmähvideo"
Ergänzend noch dazu:
Zitat:The attack commenced just after 10 p.m. when approximately 15 insurgents executed a well-coordinated attack against the airfield on Camp Bastion. The insurgents, organized into three teams, penetrated at one point of the perimeter fence.Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.isaf.nato.int/article/isaf-releases/isaf-provides-additional-details-on-camp-bastion-attack.html">http://www.isaf.nato.int/article/isaf-r ... ttack.html</a><!-- m -->
The insurgents appeared to be well equipped, trained and rehearsed.
Dressed in U.S. Army uniforms and armed with automatic rifles, rocket propelled grenade launchers and suicide vests, the insurgents attacked Coalition fixed and rotary wing aircraft parked on the flight line, aircraft hangars and other buildings.
Six Coalition AV-8B Harrier jets were destroyed and two were significantly damaged. Three Coalition refueling stations were also destroyed. Six soft-skin aircraft hangars were damaged to some degree.
Dabei dürfte es sich um den grössten bisherigen Verlust der ISAF-Streitkräfte beim Material infolge eines einzelnen Ereignisses handeln.