Offenbar beschleunigen die Sanktionen im Ölsektor (zwangsläufig) die Diversifizierung der Wirtschaft:

Zitat:Minister: Iran's Reliance on Oil Income Declining

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade Mehdi Qazanfari hailed the country's decreasing reliance on oil revenues, saying that Iran is now paying for a major part of its imports by using non-oil sources of revenue.

"Based on the statistics of the custom office … during the first 4 months of the current (Iranian) year (started on March 20-July 20), 70% of payments for imports have been made by the foreign currency earned through non-oil exports," Qazanfari stated on Tuesday, adding that the figure will stand at 60% if gas condensate revenues are excluded.

"That means less reliance on the financial resources gained through crude sales for imports," the minister noted.
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