29.05.2012, 20:31
Zitat:Iranian team to collaborate with US company on nuclear fusion project<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/may/25/iranian-team-collaborate-us-nuclear?newsfeed=true">http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2 ... sfeed=true</a><!-- m -->
New Jersey company says it has permission for unique partnership to work toward the holy grail of energy sources
Mark Halper
guardian.co.uk, Friday 25 May 2012 18.59 BST
A US company and an Iranian university have agreed to collaborate on nuclear fusion, the elusive technology that promises a limitless supply of clean energy.
New Jersey-based Lawrenceville Plasma Physics Inc and Tehran's Islamic Azad University will jointly design a fusion machine that "would be affordable to construct in industrializing nations", according to a contract signed last weekend and seen by The Guardian.
PP is one of several small companies that believe they can crack fusion far sooner than can ITER or the National Ignition Facility (NIF), another international behemoth, based in Livermore, California.
Two months ago, LPP reported a breakthrough when it confined a gas at 1.8bn degrees C, much higher than the industry record of 1.1bn degrees C that had stood since 1978. Fusion temperatures flash for only nanoseconds and are contained.
Iranische Forschungsarbeiten zur Kernfusion haben offenbar amerikanisches Venture Capital angelockt. :lol: