Der 29. April ist von den Vereinten Nationen zum "Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare" ernannt worden. Vor allem auch im Iran ein denkwürdiger Tag:

Zitat:Iran holds chemical victims memorial conference

Iran has held a conference commemorating the annual Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare at Tehran’s Peace Museum.
"The Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare is an occasion to mourn those who have suffered from these inhumane arms and to renew our resolve to eradicate them from our world," the UN secretary general said.
During the Iraq-Iran war, the US supplied Saddam with chemical weapons. The former Iraqi dictator used 2,500 tons of chemical weapons against five Iranian border provinces.

Saddam was never tried for war crimes or use of chemical weapons against Iranians.
He added that 188 countries, 98 percent of the world population, have agreed to not use chemical weapons. Israel is among the few that have refused the call.
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