Iranisches Atomprogramm
Was die Israellobby an solchen Tagen zu vermelden hat ist natürlich auch immer witz.. äh wichtig. :mrgreen:

Insofern kommt der realistischste Kommentar wohl vom iranischen Chefunterhändler selbst:

Zitat:Iranian Negotiator Dismisses Suspension of Iran's Nuclear Activities

TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran's chief negotiator in the talks with the six world powers dismissed suspension of Iran's nuclear activities as impossible, saying that the plan to withdraw sanctions in return for a suspension of Iran's nuclear activities belongs to the past.
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Ins gleiche Horn ruft der Sprecher des Außenamts:

Zitat:Official: Iran Entitled to Use Peaceful N. Technology

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast dismissed allegations against the country's peaceful nuclear program, and said Tehran is entitled to the use of civilian nuclear technology.

Mehman-Parast reiterated that making use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes is legitimate right of all nations, including the Iranians.

He said that Iran is also among the first signatories of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
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DAS entspricht exakt meiner im Vorfeld geäußerten Erwartungshaltung.

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