Zitat:Iran Starts Water Desalination Project
The Khatam-ol-Anbia Headquarters of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps engaged in construction took responsibility for the project implementation.

"More than $1 billion will be allocated for the project implementation. The project will be implemented within two years," Safi Commander Mozafari-Shams said.
The provinces of Qom and Siman will receive desalinated water. This will help solve the drinking water problem, he said.
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Photos: International Open Robocup Competitions In Tehran

The 7th open robocup competitions opened in Tehran on Thursday. 33 teams from US, Britain, Czech, India, Germany, Brazil, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Greece and Mexico qualifed for the competitions out of 48 countries. Many prominent figures from famous universities are also present in the competition as special guests.
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