Zitat:UK in another visa-ban game with Iran
Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:32AM GMT

British Home Office says London’s spy agency MI5 could bar foreign nationals, including those from Iran and Syria, whom London accuses of human rights abuses, from entering Britain for the 2012 Olympics.

The Home Office said they will not be refused entry based on MI5 security advice but the government department can deny them visas on the grounds that their "presence in the UK would not prove conductive to the public good."
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Ja bitte, dass will ich sehen. Führt nämlich letztlich nur zu großem Ärger über die Briten, nicht über die eigene Regierung. :mrgreen:

Zitat:Presidents of Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan sign accords on routes, energy
Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:38AM GMT

The presidents of Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan have signed agreements on the establishment of connecting routes and the exchange of oil, gas and water by the three countries.
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