Zitat:Italy’s Eni continues to import Iran crude despite sanctions
Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:21PM GMT
The company’s CEO Paolo Scaroni told the reporters on Friday that the company has obtained a special exemption from the sanctions which enables it to continue receiving Iranian crude despite the EU oil embargo on Iran.

"The amount is in a range of USD 1.0-1.4 billion," he was quoted by Reuters as saying.
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Zitat:Iran must reconsider and change some of its regional policies: MP
Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:17PM GMT

A senior Iranian lawmaker says Iran must reconsider its policies towards Qatar and Saudi Arabia and be more transparent in its support for the oppressed nations in the region.

“Iran must reinforce its clear policies towards supporting the region’s oppressed nations so they realize they have a strong supporter like Iran,” Kowsari added.
The Iranian lawmaker said adopting active diplomacy against bullying and hostile policies of the global arrogance will be one of the priorities of the current Iranian year (starting March 21).
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