Zitat:India, Iran to trade oil in rupees
Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:41PM GMT

Iran and India have agreed to settle part of their annual USD 12-billion oil trade in rupees as a means of circumventing new US sanctions against Iran's oil and financial sectors.
"[In the new system,] the Central Bank of Iran will open an account with an Indian bank for receiving the payment…. The system will start working soon,” the source who spoke on condition of anonymity added.

The source did not specify the name of the Indian bank, but other sources have said that Iran could open an account with India's UCO Bank as it does not have any US ties.
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Zitat:BUSINESSJANUARY 21, 2012, 3:06 A.M. ET
China's Oil Imports from Iran Jump

BEIJING—China's crude-oil imports from Iran last year were up 30% from 2010, to 27.76 million metric tons, China's General Administration of Customs reported Saturday. That works out to about 557,000 barrels a day.

China's overall crude imports were up just 6.1%.
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Hrhrhr... :lol:

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