13.01.2012, 14:05
Zitat:Thailand authorities arrest terror suspect following warning from Israeli embassy<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/thailand-authorities-arrest-terror-suspect-following-warning-from-israeli-embassy-1.407195">http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-d ... y-1.407195</a><!-- m -->
Suspected Hezbollah militant arrested in suspicion of planning terror attack on U.S. embassy; Thai police officials say Israel has been coordinating with them since before New Year.
Thai authorities have arrested a Lebanese suspect after the U.S. embassy warned of a possible attack in Bangkok, the deputy prime minister said on Friday, adding that police had stepped up security and he was confident the situation would be contained. "A Lebanese suspect from the Hezbollah group has been taken into custody by Thai officials and police are investigating further," Chalerm Yumbumrung told Reuters. [...]
Earlier, the U.S. embassy had warned of a possible attack by "foreign terrorists" and told its citizens to be careful in areas of the capital frequented by tourists. "We're warning all U.S. citizens to take caution when visiting public areas where Western tourists are known to gather in Bangkok," Walter Braunohler, spokesman at the embassy, declined to give further details.