(Europa) Die russische Marine
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html">http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html</a><!-- m -->
29 December

Fire broke out on DELTA-IV class submarine YEKATERINBURG while in dry dock at Roslyakovo (near Murmansk) … wooden scaffolding caught fire which spread to outer hull (rmks: anechoic rubber coating). After hours of trying to put out the flames, officials decided to partially submerge the submarine within the dock.
Update: on 30 Dec morning fire reportedly “contained” (rmks: wording suggests still burning); nine people injured in fire-fighting, no radiation leak (reactor shut down ahead of yard period); no missiles on board.

Zvezdochka branch at Astrakhan has completed repairs and upgrades to Proj 12411T TARANTUL class missile corvette MAC-160 … had been in reserve status for the past years and even thought to be up for scrapping … now redelivered for active service with the Caspian Sea Flotilla.

Zelenodolsk shipyard delivers second Proj 21980 GRACHONOK class patrol vessel to the Russian navy … will serve with the Black Sea Fleet at Novorossiysk … third boat under construction due for delivery in May 2012.

dazu (Brand auf U-Boot)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://de.rian.ru/society/20111230/262386979.html">http://de.rian.ru/society/20111230/262386979.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Reparatur des von Brand beschädigten U-Boots "Jekaterinburg" dauert ein Jahr

19:24 30/12/2011
MOSKAU, 30. Dezember (RIA Novosti).

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