22.01.2004, 13:31
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Zitat:Off with their headscarvesUnd in Saudi-Arabien passierte unfassbares - Frauen ohne Kopftuch *g*
Diana West (archive)
January 20, 2004 | Print | Send
When Jacques Chirac announced his intention to unveil Islamic schoolgirls in France by barring the hijab, or headscarf, from state-run schools, he raised some provocative questions. Why would a French president whose power as a global broker derives from his close ties to the Arab-Muslim world (and distance from the United States and Israel) act to restrict Islam's burgeoning place in French society? Why would the European leader behind the international opposition to the war in Iraq -- dubbed by at least one Arab media outlet "the Western Saladin" -- suddenly seek to sweep a big chunk of Islam out of the French public square?
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Zitat:Grand Mufti Denounces Unveiled Women at JEFHm wieviele Peitschenhiebe gibts fuer sowas ?
Staff Writer
RIYADH, 21 January 2004 — Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh yesterday issued a scathing condemnation of Saudi women who showed up unveiled at the Jeddah Economic Forum and mixed with men.
“I warn against the dire consequences that such practices will have,” he said.
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Zitat:French schools law may ban beards
A proposed ban on religious symbols in French state schools could include a ban on beards, according to the French education minister.
Luc Ferry said the law, which will be debated in parliament next month, could ban headscarves, bandannas and beards if they are considered a sign of faith.