Wieder Tote durch Anschläge der pro-israelischen PKK/PJAK

Zitat:Four policemen killed in western Iran
Sat Apr 2, 2011 7:58PM

At least four policemen have been killed and several others wounded in a terrorist attack on a police station in Iran's western province of Kurdistan.
The overnight attack left five other policemen injured in the village near the Iraqi border.
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Alles Anfänger auf den Devisenmärkten. So steigert man den Wert seiner Währung:

Zitat:Iran to Slash Off Three Zeros from Currency

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's finance and economy officials on Saturday reiterated the country's plan for lopping three zeros off the national currency, Rial, in a bid to accelerate and optimize trade and transactions.

Iran's Economy Minister Shamseddin Hosseini said the country "will remove three zeros from the national currency this year once the relevant prerequisites are met".
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