(See) Bordhubschrauber der Deutschen Marine
Habe was neues (Ok, auch schon wenige Wochen alt) zum Thema gefunden:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/Canadas-CH-148-Cyclones-Better-Late-Than-Never-05223/">http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/Can ... ver-05223/</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:Germany is the NH90 TTH’s biggest customer, but the helicopters have had problems, and it has delayed any NH90 NFH anti-submarine helicopter buy. Now Sikorsky is looking to pursue a 30-helicopter bid to replace Germany’s H-3 Sea Kings with their MH-92 Cyclone instead of Eurocopter’s NH90 NFH. They also want to compete with the H-92 for an 8-19 helicopter Combat Search And Rescue (CSAR) opportunity to replace German UH-1Ds. A German decision is expected in late 2010, if proposed budget cuts don’t derail the programs.
Die DInger würden in Deutschland gebaut:
Zitat:"By the time Germany is ready to fly their airplane, this aircraft will have been in service for two or three years," says Gigantelli, adding that "we intend to have final assembly, completion and flight testing jobs in Germany".

Dieser Artikel beinhaltet Schlüsselformulierungen:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/06/09/342986/ila-sikorsky-builds-team-for-german-helicopter-bid.html">http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/20 ... r-bid.html</a><!-- m -->

Sehr starke Beteiligung der deutschen Industrie:

Zitat:Discussions with MTU Aero Engines are well advanced and a deal should be agreed during ILA, while an expected agreement with Rheinmetall is further off, said Sikorsky vice-president sales for Europe, the Middle East, Turkey and Africa, Joseph Gigantelli, at the show yesterday. Ruag and ZF Luftfahrttechnik have already signed up to the team.

Zitat:Sikorsky aims to persuade Germany of the merits of choosing its S-92-based CH-148 Cyclone as a common platform for the separate air force and navy requirements, despite the fact that some of the former's performance requirements may not be met.
the navy wants 30 aircraft to replace Sea Kings and Westland Lynxs, as well as equipping its new fleet of frigates.
Also 30 für die Marine.

Außerdem braucht die Luftwaffe was als Ersatz für die Uh1D, denn die NH90 scheint für CSAR ungeeignet zu sein.
Zitat:The air force has issued a request for proposals for eight CSAR helicopters plus 11 options,

Hier ein interessanter Artikel zur Größe der Hangars auf deutschen Fregatten:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://communities.canada.com/ottawacitizen/blogs/defencewatch/archive/2010/04/05/cyclone-helicopter-a-potential-candidate-for-german-sea-king-replacement-program.aspx">http://communities.canada.com/ottawacit ... ogram.aspx</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:The contract is expected to be for 30 aircraft. Roles for the helicopters include ASW, search and rescue and special operations support from vessels such as the F125 frigates. Those vessels, which will have enhanced land-attack capabilities, are expected to enter service in 2015.
The Cyclone is larger than the MH90, being about four metres longer than the European aircraft. But defpro.com notes that the Sikorsky aircraft would be cheaper than the MH90.
“According to the German Navy, the new helicopter should be able to perform the above mentioned mission simultaneously, meaning it should always be equipped with all equipment including dipping sonar and torpedoes. While the MH90 in the currently planned configuration will not be able to fulfill this requirement, the size could result in the largest advantage of the US -built helicopter, however, its size could also be its major problem: The chopper seems to be too large for most of the hangars within the vessels where it is to be deployed. It is not foreseen that the MH90 will be accommodated in the hangars of the F122 and F123 frigates. These vessels will depend on the Lynx until they reach the end of their service life around 2020. The F124 will need a minor modification on its hangar to handle the MH90, while the F125 hangars were designed with the MH90 in mind. 

The Cyclone, however, will certainly be too large for these frigates and could only operate from the Combat Support Vessels.”

Damit ist der AW-101 Merlin komplett raus, der ist noch größer als der Cyclone.

Hier im Strang gab es ja unterschiedliche Meinungen zur Möglichkeit der Unterbringung auf den Fregatten.
Das er auf die F122 nicht passt - geschenkt. Auf die F123 kann man die am besten erhaltenen Sea-Lynx setzen. Wichtig wäre wohl das die F124 und F125 mit der Cyclone arbeiten könnten.

Ich hoffe das es klappt. Das wären bis zu 49 Cyclones. 30 für die Marine, bis zu 18 für CSAR in der Luftwaffe.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Bordhubschrauber Lynx - von PKr - 26.07.2017, 01:14
RE: Bordhubschrauber Lynx - von Seafire - 28.07.2017, 19:50

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